EU - Court of Justice - Press releases

  1. Slagelse Almennyttige Boligselskab Afdeling Schackenborgvænge Principles of Community law AG Ćapeta: The Danish legislation on public housing in transformation areas constitutes direct discrimination based on an ethnic criterion

  2. Alchaster II AG Spielmann: Arrest Warrants under the TCA with the United Kingdom - changes in parole rules do not, in principle, fall under the concept of "heavier penalty" under the EU Charter

  3. Lexitor Environment and consumers Consumer credit agreements: in the event of failure to comply with the obligation to provide information, a bank may be deprived of its right to interest

  4. Solemn undertaking of three Members of the European Commission

  5. Russmedia Digital and Inform Media Press Freedom of establishment Electronic commerce and the GDPR: Advocate General Szpunar clarifies the responsibilities of the operator of an online marketplace

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