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Youth Intra Dialogue on Europe and Africa (Y-IDEA)

Youth Intra Dialogue on Europe and Africa (Y-IDEA)

One Hour for Europe

The aim of Y-IDEA is to conduct future oriented academic research to make the voice of the African and European youth heard at international level. Furthermore,
Y-IDEA aims to create a network with stakeholders working in the wide field of African Union-European Union relationships to give young people the chance to gain
experience from a range of local and international initiatives and transnational contacts.

Y-IDEA is composed of 10 sub-groups working in English and French focussing on Peace and Security, Migration and Human Rights, Natural Resources, Finance and
Development, Institutions and Governance, Climate Change, Food security and Agriculture, Health and Education, Migration and Mobility. The main question that
leads Y-IDEA is ‘’How can we make future African Union-European Union relations better?’’.

The groups are made up by people coming from different backgrounds and life experiences in order to dialogue about shared problems highlighting the contrasting
or concealing points of view. We expect that the value of group’s diversity will produce quality papers containing critics and recommendations to the current politics and policies.

The groups are oriented by various experts that will help the groups to be as objective as possible and will mediate with institutions. The groups are supposed to write an academic paper after one year of joint research between young Africans and Europeans that will be sent to the most suitable international body (European Parliament, FAO, African Union…). Y-IDEA expects that the addressed international body will take into due consideration the content of the papers and will involve the African and European youth in their decision-making processes.

For information contact twg.euroafrica@gmail.com

Y-IDEA is a research project promoted by One Hour for Europe.

Link to One Hour for Europe Website/Y-IDEA: https://onehourforeurope.org/ 

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